
Prints R.I.P. Dolls Series #1

The first prints are already finished and will be out in the shop very soon. For now, there are going to be only 2 copies of each print, and there will be 4 different versions of each design, making a total of 8 prints per doll. We will announce the release of each version in due time.
We’d like to remind to you that the sketches were done by Pilar Nayru Manso and the original design of the dolls together with the digital editing comes from the hand of Iván Lyn.
Stay tuned for news!.


Broochs R.I.P. Dolls. Series #1

Introducing the new R.I.P dolls design inspired broochs.
I chose to make them heart shaped as it is a symbolism representing
the essence of each doll.


This broochs are available in our Etsy Shop 


First sketches of the R.I.P. Dolls

I have received the first and fantastic sketches of our Adelaide and
Séraphine, drawn by Pilar Nayru Manso. Right now I am working on them
digitally, so you can see the final result as soon as possible.




Kumo is fun, easy going, a bit crazy and always ready to have a good time. She admits to like provocation and breaking rules. Even though she defines herself as a  lively person also needs moments of quietness. Kumo likes climbing any high spot and looking for hidden spots in which read a book. Another of her hobbies (even though she would not admit it) is hunting bugs.




Tomodachi is kind, enterprising and greatly disciplined. Obsesed with order and cleaning, he gets nervous as soon as something escapes his control. His passion is music and some of his favorite bands are Dir en Grey and Malice Mizer.
Tomodachi measures 40 cm. (15.7 inches) and is completely sewn by hand. 
His skin is white cloth.
His facial features were hand-painted with acrylic paints and fabric marker.
To prepare the dress we have used black vinyl fabric, chains, tacks and two feathers.
This doll is poseable thanks to its wire structure and its filled with fiberfill.

Tomodachi is a doll for decoration, not recommended for young children.